Jan. 6 and 13.- Rev. Wm. Lawrence.
Jan. 20.- Rev. President Hyde of Bowdoin College.
CONFERENCE MEETINGS.Jan. 9.- Mr. George W. Cable.
Jan 22.- Prof. George L. Goodale.
POLITICAL OUTLOOK IN FRANCE.On Monday, Jan. 14, Prof. Cohn will deliver a lecture in English on "The Political Outlook in France." The lecture will be given in Sever 11 at 7.30 p. m. and will be open to the public.
ENGLISH B.A lecture on Literary Criticism will be given in Sever 11 on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 2 o'clock. Theme IV. will be returned to students from 3 until 4 o'clock.
Theme VI., A Narrative, will be due on Tuesday, January 8.
Theme VII, A Literary Criticism, will be due on Tuesday, January 22.
Themes are to be deposited in the wooden box in Sever 3 not later than 4 o'clock. By the regulations, no overdue theme will be accepted unless the writer satisfies the secretary that his failure to present it at the appointed time was caused by serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance.
Every student is required to follow implicitly the directions with regard to paper, folding, endorsing, etc., given on the English Composition card.
CLASSICAL CLUB.Two readings by Mr. W. C. Lawton from the "Medea of Euripides" have been arranged by the Classical Club for January 8 and 15. They will be in Sever 11 and open to the public.
CHAMBER CONCERTS.Concerts by the Kneisel Quartette will be given in Sever 11 on Jan. 24, Feb. 21, March 21, and April 18.