TUTORING in History 13 and 17. All kinds of writing and type-writing done at short notice. Preparation for the college examinations during the summer months. CLARENCE A. BRODEUR, '87, 14 Hollis.
TUTORING in Fine Arts IV, Philosophy XI, History XII, Pol. Econ. IV, English XV.
WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 6 Little's Block.m24 18t
TUTORING in Pol. Econ. VI and in Phil XI.
EDWARD C. LUNT, c G. 24.
AN experienced tutor in History 1 and 17, N. H. 4 and Physics A. W. J. BOWEN, 32 Hollis. my18 4w
ENGLISH A SEMINAR.- Review of the last half-year's work, Wednesday evening at 7.30.
ROBERT W. HERRICK, je5 2t 25 Stoughton.
POLITICAL ECONOMY 6.- Seminar on Thursday at 7.30 p. m. Tutoring in Political Economy 1.
J. A. BAILEY, 88, je5-7 31 Stoughton.
WANTED.- All kinds of Gents' castoff Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Highest cash prices paid. We make a specialty of cleaning, repairing, pressing and dyeing all kinds of Gent's Clothing. Call or send postal to WILLIAM H. BROWN, 465 Main Street, Cambridge port. All orders promptly attended to. my26 6t eod
STUDENTS desiring work at a summer resort on Block Island, R. I., should write at once to CALVIN H. MILLS, 116 South Beaver St., York, Penna. je6 5t
HISTORY XII.- The work of the course will be briefly reviewed this evening st 7.30 p m., in Littles 6.
WANTED, a tutor to live in my family in New Hampshire, and teach a boy of 9 years two or three hours a day. The tutor must be fond of Natural History. WM. JAMES, 18 Garden St., Cambridge.
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