
Special Notices.

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TUTORING in German A and Italian 4. WILLIAM P. HENDERSON. Address Linden Ave., Roxbury. my26 1t

HERR OSENBRUGGE, of London and Paris, experienced in tutoring in Advonced German and French, prepares students for examinations and gives private lessons. 18 Prescott Street. my26 1t

TUTORING in German A and I.

R. H. ARMS, 2 Holmes Pl.m26 1t

TUTORING in English A. Make engagements at once.


J. W. DALZELL, '79. 15 Appian Way.m25 2t

TUTORING in Fine Arts IV, Philosophy XI, History XII, Pol. Econ. IV, English XV.

WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 6 Little's Block.m24 18t

TUTORING in Pol. Econ. VI and in Phil XI.

EDWARD C. LUNT, G. 24.m24 6t

HISTORY 13. Tutoring. Apply to GEO. P. FURBER, T. 54, after 6.30 p. m. m23 6t

TUTORING for the finals in Physics A, Physics B, Greek and Latin, by

M. L. BRUUER, 63 College House.m23-6t

I WILL tutor in Fine Arts 4.

ELIOT NORTON, 10 Appian Way.m23-6t.
