
Fact and Rumor.

Yesterday, on the grounds back of Divinity Hall, the "Plymouths Rocks" defeated the "Graduates" by a score of 26 to 16.

A cinder path will be built between New Haven and New York for the use of wheelmen. The path will be four feet wide and will run beside the roadway.

The Bicycle Club has decided to adopt a new club cap. It will be of the 'varsity colors, red and black, broad stripes, with a monogram, H. B. C., on the front.

The students are earnestly requested to send in their replies to the circular sent out by the faculty upon the athletic question. Answers should be sent immediately to Dr. Hart, 7 Hollis.

It is said that $200,000 will be given for Yale's new building which is to stand on the site of the "fence," The structure will be two stories high, and will have a costly porch with a tower on each side of the main entrance.


The members of the Deutschor Verein at their last meeting elected the following officers: President, Max Winkler, '89; vice president, H. H. Darling, '89; secretary and treasurer, Ralph Hoffman, '90. Dr. Francke and H. G. Villard, 90, were elected members of the executive committee with the above officers ex officio.
