
Special Notices.

Laundry office.

AWNINGS MADE AND PUT UP by LEE L. POWERS, Read's Building, at greatly reduced prices. m26

FINE LINE French Flannel Shirts at James W. Brine's.

TO STUDENTS.- Five hundred pairs of English Tennis Shoes, 500 pairs Gymnasium Shoes, 1000 pairs of Tennis Pants, all color stripes; 1000 striped Tennis Coats and Caps; Tennis Shirts, Tennis Belts, Pants. Coats and Capes. Co-operative prices.

J. B. BRINE, 8 Boylston street, Cambridge.CAMP CHAIRS to let for all occasions cheap, at LEE L. POWERS', 30 Boylston street. f2


STRIPE FLANNEL CAPS 75 cents, at James W. Brine's.

J. F. NOERA, Lasthe, Beekman, Sears, Slocum, and all the lates tennis rackets. Rackets from $2.00 to $7.50.

ENGLISH and American School Suits at J. W. Brine's.

GET your Furniture repaired at POWERS'S, 30 Boylston street, near post office. j18
