
University Calendar.

FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS.Applications for the Morgan Fellowships must be presented on or before May 15; and for the Harris and Rogers Fellowships, the College Scholarships and aid from the Beneficiary Fund on or before May 29.

FRENCH READINGS.A course of six French Readings was begun on Monday, April 16, in Sever 11 by the instructors of the French department. The readings are open to all members of the University, but others may obtain tickets ($3.00 for the course, single readings $1.00) at Sever's University Bookstore. The proceeds will be wholly for the benefit of the library of the Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women. The remaining readings will be as follows:-

May 14-Francois Coppe, "Le Lutheir de Cremone." Professor Bocher.


May 21-Alphonse Daudet, "Contes Choisis." Professor Cohn.

FORENSICS.Junior.- As a basis for the examination in forensics, juniors will be required to send to Mr. Conant on or before June 1 three topics accompanied by briefs similar to those submitted by principal disputants in English VI.

Regulations.- 1. The briefs shall be substantial outlines, giving in very concise form the main divisions of the argument and the character of the evidence to be presented under each division, with authorities actually consulted.

2. They shall be on thesis paper, each one bound up by itself so that it can be used separately, and all three fastened together when they are handed in. The topic and name of writer shall be on the outside of each brief.

3. At the examination each student will receive one of his briefs and be expected to elaborate carefully the argument he has outlined.

Senior.- The examination for seniors will be conducted on an entirely different plan. No topics and no briefs will be required in advance.

The examination papers will present three or four disputed questions of sufficiently varied and general interest to enable each student to treat one of them. Accompanying each topic will be a syllabus of the evidence, pro and con, upon which the controversy rests; and from this syllabus a brief must be constructed and an argument elaborated to sustain the proposition and meet the objections presented.

ENGLISH B.The ten-page theme will be returned to A-H and to N-W on Tuesday, May 15, at 2 o'clock.

Theme XII will be due on May 22, (not May 15, as previously announced). The choice of subject and of manner of treatment is left to the writer. Notice of the subject chosen need not be given.

The attention of students is specially called to the directions of the English Composition card. Each student is held responsible for a knowledge of those directions, and is expected to follow them implicitly.

By the Regulations, no overdue theme will be accepted unless the writer satisfies the secretary that his failure to present it at the appointed time was caused by serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance. Overdue themes, countersigned by the secretary, may be left at Grays 18. In no case must themes be put in the box in Sever 3 after the day on which they are due.
