
Fact and Rumor.

The pamphlet on "Conditions" issued for the use of students in the first year corse on contracts at the Law School, is now ready for distribution at the Co-operative,

The uniforms of the freshman lacrosse team consist of red and white caps, white shirts with "91" in red, red worsted trousers with a white stripe at the top and knees, and red stockings.

There will be some interesting tennis matches at Longwood on Saturday, beginning at 2 p. m. The first game will be a single between Dwight and Bennett, after which Dwight and P. S. Sears will play Mansfield and Pettitt.

At the last meeting of the Canoe Club, the following men were elected members: J. J. Storrow, L. S.; J. L. Goodale, G. Perry, M. W. Richardson, '89; H. Chalfant, J. C. McCoy, G. L. Osgood, R. H. Weld, jr., '90; J. Leiter, W. W. Milford, R. M. Post, C. L. R. Putnam, P. M. Rhinelander, '91.

The Glee Club will sing in Lowell tonight at a May party to be given by prominent people in that city in aid of charity. After the May party the Yordick Club will give a reception to the members of the Glee Club. The Banjo Club and the Glee Club will take part in an entertainment at the Cambridge Social Union rooms next Tuesday evening.

