ASK to see our special White Flannel Suits, JAMES W. BRINE, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
STUDENTS wanting a first-class Tennis Suit, Tennis Coat, Tennis Pants, Tennis Caps, Tennis Pants, are invited to inspect our stock. All the latest style of English Cheviot Flannel Shirts. Co-operative discount to all members. J. B. BRINE, 8 Boylston street, next to post office, Cambridge.
J. F. NOERA, Lasthe, Beekman, Sears, Slocum, and all the latest tennis rackets. Rackets from $2.00 to $7.50.
FINE line of English and American Cheviot shirts, at JAMES W. BRINE, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
CAMP CHAIRS to let for all occasions, cheap, at LEE L. POWERS', 30 Boylston street. f2
FINE line English Blazers, at JAMES W. BRINE, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
JUST received fine line tennis rackets, $2.50 and upwards. JAMES W. BRINE, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.