
Fact and Rumor.

The Athletics of Philadelphia beat Yale 25-4 and Princeton 24-3.

Anthony Comstock delivered a lecture at Princeton last week.

The Columbia Class Races will be held on May 12 over the Harlem course.

The Bostons play the Yale nine to-day in New Haven.

Kelly of the Boston nine has just published a book entitled "Play Ball."


The Yale crew rowed twice a day during the recess and were coached by Bob Cook.

The calendar for this week will not appear until today and will be published in the CRIMSON to-morrow.

A large and well-attended reception was given last Saturday in Boston by a number of Technology men.

Phillips Andover Academy has organized an Athletic Club consisting of twenty-five members for the purpose of promoting track athletics.

Cornell has been expelled from the New York Intercollegiate Athletic Association on account of not returning the medal for the 200-yards dash.

The CRIMSON has received a copy of America, the new weekly journal published in Chicago, which bids fair to become very successful.

The hours for meals at Memorial have been changed and are as follows: Breakfast, 7.30 to 9; lunch, 12.30 to 1.30; dinner, 6 to 7.

A court tennis tournament is being held in the Hunnewell court in Boston and Mr. R. D. Sears is one of the contestants.

The Princeton nine has but three new men this year-Ames, Dana and Watts.

Following are the results of the games played by the Yale nine on its Easter trip: Yale vs. U. of P., 4-2; vs. Athletics, 4-25; vs. Newarks, 7-12; vs. New York, 3-6 and 10-17.

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