The board of editors for next year's Technique from Technology, '90, is as follows: Ripley, Stearns, Pennell. Goodwillie, Metcalf, Greenlaw, Waite and Browne.
The fourth annual dog show of the New England Kennel Club will be held in Mechanics Hall, Boston, from April 3d to 6th. The entries for the show close on the 19th of this month.
Rev. John G. Brooks, of Brockton, will lecture at 7.30 this evening in Sever 11 under the auspices of the Finance Club on the Tariff from the standpoint of the laborer; an object lesson in tariff reform.
Those members of English A will be relieved of one-third of the work at the final examinations who write a criticism of at least five pages on the style of some particular author, the essay to be finished on or before the fifteenth of May.
The annual dinner of the Princeton alumni of New York and vicinity will take place under the direction of the Princeton Club, at the Hotel Brunswick, Fifth Avenue and 27th street, on Thursday, March 15th, 1888, at half past six o'clock.
Professor Asa Gray by his will made the following bequests to Harvard College: "All copyrights of books of which he was the author, all engravings of plants, pictures of trees, herbs, etc., and all portraits of botanists." These are to be left in the possession of his wife during life, when they shall go to the herbarium of the college.
The annual meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association was held last Friday evening at the Hoffman House, 50 clubs from all parts of the country being represented. The tournament for the ensuing season was fixed for Staten Island. The officers elected were: R. D. Sears, president; J. S. Clarke, vicepresident; H. G. Badgely, secretary, and A. Slocum, treasurer; executive committee, R. S. Beekman, Howard Taylor and A. B. Storey.