
Fact and Rumor.

Members of N. H. 4a are requested to attend Prof. Davis's lecture on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

The circulars on "Russia and America" are again being circulated by the unknown lady.

Rev. George A. Gordon will conduct service at Appleton Chapel to-morrow evening.

The singles in the American championship tennis tournament will be played at Newport, and the doubles at Orange, N. J.

Prof. G. L. Goodale's lecture before the Lowell Institute this evening will be on "The Distribution of Forests." It is the sixth of his course on "Forests and Forest Products."


Rev. John G. Brooks, of Brockton, will lecture on Monday evening, under the auspices of the Finance Club, on the following subject: "The Tariff from the standpoint of the laborer; an object lesson in tariff reform."

Following is the program for the symphony concerts this week in Music Hall: J. Brahms, Symphony in F, No. 3; J. Gluck, Aria (Armide), Fr. Lehmann; A. Krug, Symphonic Prologue to Shakspere's Othello; L. v. Beethoven, Aria (Fidelio), Herr Kalisch; R. Wagner, Vorspiel and Liebestod (Tristan and Isolde); sophrano, Fr. Lehmann. The soloists will be Fr. Lilli Kalisch-Lehmann and Herr Paul Kalisch.
