
Fact and Rumor.

The students of the U. of Michigan are making vigorous efforts to raise a fund of $10,000 to be used for the establishment of a gymnasium.

In the trial contest in the gymnasium, Saturday afternoon, Pennypacker won in putting the shot with a put of 35 feet 6 inches.

The freshman base-ball team at Amherst is working very hard, and the prospects are bright for a nine better than any freshman nine that Amherst has ever had.

Harvard professors still have the monopoly of Scribner's Magazine. In the February number are contributions from Prof. James, Mr. Wendell and Prof. Shaler, the last including translations of some of Pliny's letters by ex-Prof. Crosswell.- Cambridge Tribune.

About 3 a. m. Saturday the inmates of Divinity Hall were awakened by the cry of "fire." The fire proved to be in the house in the rear of the hall, which is mostly occupied by students. The fire was confined to the lower story and soon extinguished.


The proposition to erect a statue of Milton at Harvard, which is made by a correspondent of the Boston Post, is all very fine in its way and it would be an addition to the objects of interest which abound here. It would, however, be better for people to erect statues of Harvard's own great men before seeking to make one of Milton.- Cambridge Tribune.
