
Special Notices.

TUTORING in Mathematics A. Seminar Thursday evening at 7.30. H. A. DAVIS, 29 Hollis. f4 6t

I WILL tutor in the following courses: Pol. Econ. 1 and 4; Hist. 12, Phil. 2 and Freshman German; and will carefully review each course the evening before the examination.

H. B. BARBER, 12 Holworthy.j31 6t eod

GERMAN A.- Seminar on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 7 o'clock, in Stoughton 18. I shall read over the half year's work, and give valuable points in Grammar.

G. RODEMANN, A. M.f1 4 6 7


POL. ECON. IV. Tutoring by L. B. STEDMAN, '87, in evenings, at 53 Weld. f3 6t

TUTORING in Criminal Law from notes of the lectures of this and of last year, with explanations of cases and references to Bishop and May. Address or see OSGOOD SMITH, at the Law School. f3 6t

FOR an experienced tutor in Math. A and C, and French A and 1, apply to PERRY LAWTON, '88, 25 Hollis Hall. f2 6t

FOR an experienced tutor in English VIII, call on or address

A. A. GLEASON, '86, 29 Stoughton, or at Law School.f2 6t

FINE ARTS 4, Philosophy 11, Pol. Econ. 4, History 12. Tutoring.

WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 6 Little's Block.j20 tf

TUTORING in Latin A, German A and French A and 1. G. BRADFORD, JR., 8 Prescott St., Cambridge. j25 tf

SPECIAL TO STUDENTS.- Charles Speller, of London, England, is now taking orders for "Hickson's" Tennis and Base-Ball Shoes of English manufacture previous to his departure for London.

Students are respectfully requested to place their orders at once to ensure delivery of goods by April 1st.
