
Fact and Rumor.

The article published to-day from the Boston Advertiser was written by Hallowell, '88.

Prof. Taussig delivered a lecture in Philadelphia, last week on "The Classic English School of Political Economy.

Joseph Cook, in his lecture yesterday noon, in Tremont Temple, Boston, spent some time in discussing the subject of college prayers at Harvard.

Prof. Goodale is shortly to deliver a course of lectures on "Forests and the Forest Products of America." The lectures will be in Huntington Hall, in boston, in the Lowell Institute series.

The inter-collegiate convention of the Y. M. C. A. of the country will take place in Boston from February 24th to the 26th. A room has been secured for the delegates in the Y. M. C. A. building in Boston.


The New England Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association held its annual meeting last week for the election of officers. It was voted to hold the annual games for the championship cups in Worcester about the last of May.
