
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a recitation in Chemistry I, tomorrow for the first division.

The written exercises in Spanish 1 will be due on Wednesdays hereafter.

There will be an hour examination in German A, at 9 o'clock today. A-K in Mass., 3; L-Y in Sever, 37.

The weekly run of the Bicycle Club will be held today to Waltham starting from University at 4 o'clock.

There will be an hour examination in English 7, at 3 p. m. today. Aldrich. Davis, Sever 1; Detrick-Wildes, Sever 5.


Meetings are being held in New York under the auspices of the "Students' Movement," an enterprise of the intercollegiate Y. M. C. A., and at least one meeting will probably be addressed by Chauncey M. Depew.

Circulars have been distributed from the office among the instructors which are intended to be sent to such students as appear to be neglecting their work. It contains rules 7 and 8 of the regulations which refer to the subject.

The article in the North American Review of this month entitled "The Fast Set at Harvard," is only the first of a number of articles intended to set before the faculty of the University a true statement of the inner life of Harvard's undergraduates. The author is working for the best interests of that institution.- Ex.

At the meeting of the Deutscher Verein tonight Mr. Oakes of the Law School, who has spent a number of years in Germany, will give a summary of his impressions and recollections of that country.
