
Conference Francaise.

The year opened auspiciously for the Conference Franchise last Tuesday evening, when almost forty men assembled in the society's new rooms to greet, and listen to, the new members. The initiation consisted of reading or speaking some short piece, and the selections were very creditable both to the members and to the society Owing to the large number of new members only the following were called upon at that meeting: J. P. Morgan, Jr., W. S. Ellis, J. C. B. Burbank, W. F. Richards, C. Warren, W. D. Clark, G. E. Turnure, H. B. Hastings, C. Livingston, M. E. Gill, W. N. Bates, C. P. Blaney, P. C. Stewart, H. S. Glazier, S. Van Rensallaer, and H. A. Davis.
