
Fact and Rumor.

Cornell expects to place an excellent eight on the water this year, and is very anxious to row Columbia and the university of Pennsylvania.

The Yale bicycle club is in a fiourishing condition and has adeed several new members this year. The first run will be held next Saturday.

A picked eleven from the Episcopal Divinity School of Cambridge played the Groton school eleven Saturday at Groton. The Groton eleven won by a score of 18 to 0.

The sophomores of Lehigh have changed their class colors to orange and black, so that they may have a distinctive color for the tassel of their mortar-boards.

The Amherst athletic association held a meeting on Saturday, at which the college record for putting the shot was broken by Houghton, '90, who covered 33ft. 4in. The class of ninety leads in the number of prizes won.


The athletic association of Yale has offered a twenty-five dollar gold medal to that member of the university who shall gain the greatest number of points during the year in all amateur atlhetic games. A first prize will count five points, second prize three, and third prize one.

The football season has begun, and we shall have a steady list of casualties from now on. Princeton and Yale seem to have pretty well matched teams, and the championship will probably lie between them. What is the matter with the Harvard men? It is so long since they won anything except tennis games that the graduates are absolutely disheatened.-N. Y. Star.
