
University Calendar.


26. THURSDAY.Vesper Service. Appleton Chapel, 5 p. m.

Vesper services will be held on Thursday of each week in term-time until further notice. Each service will begin promptly at 5 p. m. and close at 5.30. The public are invited to these services. The front pews are reserved for members of the University and friends accompanying them.

27. FRIDAY.Mid-year examinations begin this day.

Divinity School Chapel. Service with preaching, 7.30 p. m.


APPLETON CHAPEL-SUNDAY EVENING SERVICES.Jan. 22-Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D., Bishop of New York.

Jan. 29 and Feb. 6-Rev. E. E. Hale, D. D.

DIVINTY SCHOOL CHAPEL LECTURES.A course of six lectures to be given in the Divinity School Chapel by persons connected with the University, but not teachers of the school, was begun on Tuesday, Jan. 10. The remaining lectures are as follows:-

Jan. 24.- "The Relation of Law to the Supernatural." Professor J. B. Thayer of the Law School.

Feb. 7.- "Some conditions of Intellectual Life in America." Professor C. E. Norton of the college.

Feb.21.- "The Health of Professional Men." Professor Francis Minot of the Medical School.

March 6.- "Ministers as seen by a Layman." Henry Lee, A. M., of the Board of Overseers.

March 20.- "Intimations of Immortality in the Sonnets of Shakspere." Professor G. H. Palmer of the College.
