
The Freshman Race.

Cox, E. L. DuFourcy, 110 lbs. BLE

HARVARD FRESHMEN.Bow, C. L. Crehore, 140 lbs.

2. C. S. Matthews, 161 lbs.

3. S. Sanford, 158 lbs.


4. J. H. Sears, 175 lbs.

5. T. W. Slocum, 165 lbs.

6. B. T. Tilton, 178 lbs.

7. J. P. Hutchinson, 158 lbs.

Stroke, R. F. Herrick, 153 lbs.

Cox, Falee, 101 lbs.

The officers of the race were:

Referee - W. C. Cornell.

Judges - For Columbia, Guy Richards; for Harvard, W. A. Brooks, Jr.

Judges at finish-For Columbia, H. Hunnewell: for Harvard, D. Brereton.

Timekeepers-For Columbia, E. Klapp. for Harvard, H. D. Hale
