
Fact and Rumor.

Class. Won. Lost.

'97 2 1

'88 2 2

'89 1 2

'90 2 2


The following man were elected on the second eight of the O. K.: Bancroft, Barnes, Blossom, M. H. Clyde. H. H. Furness, Honore, Livingood, E. R. Thayer. Officers are as follows: Sanford, president; McCleary, secretary; Loeb, treasurer; Fuller, librarian.

The Columbia management has written the Yale team that owing to an examination which occurs to-day at New Haven. This forfeiture has made the Yale management very indignant as it takes several hundred dollars of gate money out of its pocket.

The Bicycle Club will have a run to Auburndale, next Tuesday, May 31st. The club will dine at Auburndale and return by moonlight. After the run a "smoker" will be held, and the officers for the next year will be elected.
