The public are invited.
26. THURSDAY.Electricity and Magnetism. Lecture, Professor Lovering. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, 12 m.
Harvard Union Debate. Sever 11, 7.30 p.m.
27. FRIDAY.Divinity School Chapel, Service. 7.30 p.m.
Forensic Lecture. Professor Royce. Sever 11. 4 p.m.
28. SATURDAY.Certain English Authors Considered as Masters of Style (Course for Freshmen). Smollet. (Last Lecture.) Professor A. S. Hill. Sever 11, 9 a.m.
APPLETON CHAPEL, SUNDAY EVENINGS.Services will be conducted: -
May 22 and 29, Rev. Phillips Brooks, D.D.
June 5 and 12, Rev. Alexander McKenzie, D. D.
HARVARD NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETYOn Monday and Wednesday evenings during term-time until about June 1, there will be given, under the auspices of this society, familiar talks upon the Massachusetts fauna. These talks deal with the haunts, habits, and peculiar forms of animals, thus furnishing a suitable introduction to shore and field collecting. They will be abundantly illustrated. The subjects and speakers for the succeeding meetings are as follows:
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