
University Calendar.


HONORS IN CLASSICS.The remainder of the examinations for Honors in Classic, (Second-Year and Final) will be held in Sever 37 as follows:

Thursday, June 2. Greek Composition. At 9.15 o'clock.

Wednesday, June 8. Latin Composition At 9.15 o'clock.

AMERICAN ECONOMIC AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS.A joint session of the American Economic Association and the American Historical Association will be held in Sanders Theatre, on Tuesday, May 24, at 3 p.m. A paper on "The Study of Statistics in Colleges" will be read by Carroll D. Wright, U. S. Commissioner of Labor Statistics, one on "Our Legal Tender Decisions," by Professor E. J. James, of the University of Pennsylvania, and one by Dr. A. B. Hart, on the "Biography of a River and Harbor Bill."


ENGLISH C. AND D,Final Examination. - List of Subjects for the Senior Examination must be handed in on or before Wednesday, June 1.

Duplicate lists should be written on separate cards, each the size of a postal card. The lists should not be written on paper slips, and must be written on one side of the cards used. Care must be taken to hand in both the duplicate lists, each being precisely like the other in all respects.

The titles of the subjects should be given in full. Special care should be taken to avoid any proposal of topics now on the excluded list. No new list of excluded topics will be issued this year; the list issued at the beginning of the year will remain in force for the examinations.

Lists may be handed to Prof. Royce or to Mr. Gates, or may be mailed to either. But the instructors cannot be responsible for any lists not actually delivered to them personally.

Any failure to hand in a list at the proper time, or any proposal of inadmissible topics, may seriously interfere with the success of the student in question. Owing to the shortness of the time, and the number of persons concerned, the instructors cannot undertake to correct any mistakes as to these matters. Especial care should therefore be taken to conform to the foregoing rules.

ENGLISH B.Theme XI, will be returned to students on Tuesday, May 17, from 2 until 3.30 o'clock. Themes not called for at that time will be left, at the owner's risk, in the tin box on the mantel-piece in Sever 3.

Theme XII. will be due on Tuesday, May 17. The choice of subject and of manner of treatment is left to the writer.

By the Regulations, no overdue theme will be received, unless the writer satisfies the Secretary that his failure to present it at the appointed time was caused by serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance. Overdue themes, countersigned by the Secretary, may be left at Grays 18.

Corrected and rewritten themes that have not yet been given back to the Instructor, are to be deposited in the wooden box in Sever 3 before June 1.

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