28. THURSDAY.Electricity and Magnetism. Lecture, Professor Lovering. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, 12 m.
Mathematical Seminary. Lecture: The Curvature of Surfaces. Mr. E. A. Harriman. University 19, 4 p.m.
Architectural Monuments of Great Britain. Illustrated Lecture. Professor Cooke. Upper Boylston, 7.30 p. m.
Harvard Union Debate. Sever 11 7.30 p.m.
Question: "Resolved, That the Interstate Commerce Bill is detrimental to the Business Interests of the Country."
Regular Disputants. - Affirmative: Mr. E. T. Sanford. L. S., Mr. G. P. Furber, '87. Negative: Mr. J. M. Merriam, L. S., Mr. Russell Duane, '88.
29. FRIDAY.Readings from the Odyssey. Book XXIV. Professor Palmer. Sever 11, 4 p.m.
Divinity School Chapel. Service. 7.30 p. m.
30. SATURDAY.Last day of receiving dissertations for the Toppan, Dante. Sargent and Sumner Prizes.
Last day of receiving theses of Candidates for the degrees of Ph.D. or S.D.
Last day of receiving applications for leave to make up mid-year examinations.
Certain English Authors Considered as Masters of Style (Course for Freshmen). Defoe (continued.) Professor A. S. Hill. Sever 11, 9 a.m.
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