
Fact and Rumor.

The "Tech" deplores the fact that there is so little enthusiasm shown by the students in the competition for places on the editorial board of that paper.

N. H. 2. - Members of the class can obtain their laboratory books and marks by calling at the upper lecture-room, Museum, between 3.30 and 4.30 p.m. to-day.

The freshman crew is now composed of the following men: Amory, stroke; Hutchinson, Herrick, Sanford, B. Tilton, Tyson, Matthews, Crehore; substitutes, Darling and Slocum.

Philip Gilbert Hamilton has written an article for the next number of the "Harvard Monthly," by way of a reply to the criticism on his "Literature in a Republic," by Col. T. W. Higginson in the December "Monthly."

The dinner of the CRIMSON board last evening was enjoyed by the many past and present editors who attended. Wit flowed faster than champagne, and was twice as sparkling. The officers of the evening were: President, W. T. Talbot; toast-master, F. E. E. Hamilton; chorister, H. G. Perkins; poet, H. S. Sanford; orator, Wm. Barnes, Jr. Papers were read by W. G. Chase, '82, H. M. Williams, '85, M. C. Hobbes, '85, J. A. Frye, '86. Speeches were made by F. A. Mason, '84, W. S. Thayer, '85. Letters were read from C. E. L. Wingate, '83, F. I. Carpenter, '85. Each member of the present board responded to toasts, all of which were extremely felicitous.

