
Fact and Rumor.

The following extract is taken from a Boston paper: "The Pi Erian [sic] coffee parties will be held on the evenings of March 16 and March 30."

The original copy of Shelley's "Mask of Anarchy" has been found in England. It contains two more stanzas than those in the copy published in 1832. - Ex.

According to the catalogue of the year 1836 the annual tuition at Yale was only $33, and the necessary expenses were estimated at from $150 to $200 a year.

The Massachusetts Bicycle Club house was a scene of brilliancy and gayety Saturday evening, when Thomas Stevens, the hero of the trip around the world, was given a reception.

Mr. Howells, in the latest chapters of his new novel, "April Hopes," now appearing in "Harper's Magazine," discusses the existing social system here at Harvard critically and with remarkable insight and truth.


At a meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa, held last Monday evening, the following men were elected from '87: Bailey, Baker, Bowen, A. C. Coolidge, C. F. A. Currier. A. T. Dudley, J. H. Gray, Hamilton, Herron, Huntington, Keep, Pinkham, Rich, Roffins, L. Robinson, Schofield, Stedman, C. S. Thompson. The first eight from '88 are as follows: Bocher, Duane, Hammett, Harriman, Leahy, Mahany, E. R. Thayer, Walden.
