The Tech is considering the advisability of issuing a phototype of the tug-of-war team, as a companion picture to the foot-ball group recently published.
"The Adelphia of Terence," by Henry Preble, instructor in Latin at Harvard, will be published with stage directions, and will be ready by the first of April.
A contest is going on among the Catholic clergy of Baltimore and Washington as to which of the priestly orders shall have control of the new Catholic university.
Technology expects eleven men from Exeter in her class of '91; among them are Knowles, the foot-ball player and tug-of-war man, and Duncan and Dillon, both all-round gymnastics.
Mr. W. W. Gale, '88, has just returned to college after a severe illness of some four months. As he is not yet in good health, he contemplates taking a vacation until after the spring recess.
The trustees of Princeton have decided not to make the college a university, as there are no departments of law and medicine - two departments which, it is claimed, are essential to a real university.
The Philadelphia Press, in speaking of the founding of the new university at Worcester, Massachusetts, says: "Massachusetts is to have a new college that will rival Harvard. Some of the best foot-ball players in the country have already been engaged, and other places in the faculty will be filled as quickly as possible."