
Fact and Rumor.

Phillips Andover Academy had a course of piano recitals this winter, given by some of the most eminent pianists of the country.

The men who have signed their names in the book at Leavitt & Pierce's for cups for the '89 nine should pay up right off, for the cash is needed to buy the cups.

The 'Varsity rowed on the river for the first time yesterday. Perkins, stroke; Hale, Scholl, Davis, Wood, Butler, Russell; Keyes, captain; Brown, coxswain.

The following men now compose the '87 crew: Mumford, stroke; Burgess; Alexander, captain; Fiske, Coolidge, Bartold, Ayer, Dudley; Forchheimer, coxswain.

The snow still lingers provokingly on Holmes field. It is feared that it will be a week, at least, and perhaps a longer time before the nine, can begin its out-door work.


The president of Harvard College gets $4000 per annum. So does the head cook at the Parker House, Boston. This is a sad commentary on "Modern Athens." - Ex.

The West is sending some of its educated sons East. A dinner was given recently to some Western cowboys, and among the dishes on the menu were the following: Pampas oysters, flapjacks, jerked beef and Tarantula juice.

It is a pity that greater care was not taken in laying the plank walks which in every other way are so satisfactory. The walks from Hollis to the eastern corner of Holworthy, and diagonally across the Delta, sway in some places with every step and bring the heavy or rapid step to a sudden stoppage by the noise which the boards make.
