The supreme court of the Thayer Club for 1887-8 will be composed as follows: Messrs. Baldwin, Boyden, Brown, Gage, Gorham, McAlister, Palmer and Ransom.
There seems to be a general feeling among the students at Cornell that their nine this year is going to be exceptionally fine The Sun and Era are full of predictions of the great glory the nine is sure to win.
An effort has been made by some members of the faculty to have all recitations count and to abolish term examinations. If it were left to the students to decide, a unanimous verdict in the affirmative would be given. - Cornell Era.
Mr. Gladstone expresses himself as "utterly deploring whatever tends to displace a classical education for those in any way capable of receiving it, and strongly disapproving all efforts in that direction." John Bright, on the other hand, declares that "the study of the ancient languages is not now essential to education, so far as the acquisition of knowledge is concerned." - Ex.
The report sent out Monday that representatives of Columbia College were in town conferring with Yale in regard to the latter's being admitted as the third crew in the race at New London next summer, and that Yale was willing to have them do so, is pronounced by Captain John Rogers. Percey Bolton, the coach, and many others of the crew to be utterly without foundation. - Ex.