
Fact and Rumor.

Examination of the complaint box in the Harvard CRIMSON office shows but three against the new marking system to twenty or thirty a year ago. - Princetonian.

There is soon to be a mass meeting of the freshman class to reconsider the action taken in regard to admitting Yale to the Columbia-Harvard race next June.

During President Davies' administration in Princeton is was customary to appoint one of the students to read a portion of the scriptures at morning prayers. - Princetonian.

A large audience welcomed James Russell Lowell last Tuesday evening at the Lowell Institute when he delivered his first lecture on "Old English Dramatists." The next lecture occurs to-morrow evening.

A biological library is to be erected at Princeton by the class of '77. It is to have a club-room for the use of the members of that class, and will be completed next year in time for '77 to hold its decennial dinner there.


Hight, '89, has been obliged to leave college on account of illness arising from overtraining on his class tug-of-war team and crew. Of course he will be now unable to pull on the tug-of-war, and there is even some fear that he will not be able to row on the crew.

The membership of the new Athletic Club of Boston is to be limited to 1000. The membership fee is to be $40 and the annual assessment, $30. It is estimated that the cost of the building will be $225,000. The site chosen is on Dartmouth street, near the Boston & Albany station.
