DR. WALDSTEIN'S LECTURES.Three lectures on "The various Influences affecting the Development of Greek Art" are to be given during the next fortnight by Dr. Charles Waldstein, Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge. The first lecture will occur on Wednesday, Feb. 23, in Sever 11. The second on Friday, Feb. 25, in Upper Boylston and the third on Wednesday, March 2, in the same hall. The second and third lectures will be illustrated with stereopticon views. The public are invited.
ASSYRIAN READINGS.On successive Tuesday evenings, beginning March 8, Professor Lyon will give in Upper Boylston four illustrated public lectures on the following subjects:
March 8. Sardanapalus.
March 15. Cyrus.
March 22. Babylonian and Hebrew Psalmody.
March 29. Babylonian private life.
GERMAN READINGS.Mr. Hochdorfer's remaining readings from German Ballad-Poets occur as follows:
Fourth evening, February 22, Uhland. Fifth evening, March 1, Heine, Platen, etc. Sixth evening, March 8, Schiller's "Song of the Bell." The book used is "Mustersammlung Deutscher Gedichte" by Ernst Keller. The readings are open to the public.
ENGLISH D.The Senior Forensic Thesis will be due March 22; the book of approved topics is now ready in the Library.
ENGLISH B.A lecture will be given in Sever 11 on Tuesday, February 22, at 2 o'clock. Subject: Exposition and Argument.
Theme VIII. will be due on Tuesday, February 22. It must be deposited in the wooden box in Sever 3 before 4 o'clock. Subject: A Criticism.
By the Regulation, no overdue theme will be accepted, unless the writer satisfies the Secretary that his failure to present it at the appointed time was caused by serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance. Overdue themes, countersigned by the Secretary, may be left at 18 Grays.