
Fact and Rumor.

Harry Bethune, the celebrated sprinter, is said to have run 101 1-2 yards in 9 3-4 seconds last week in Philadelphia.

MacPherson, captain of last year's Exeter foot-ball team, now at the University of Michigan, expects to enter Yale next year.

The assassination scene in Julius Caaesar as presented by the Booth-Barret company is said to be very fine. It is based on Gerome's great painting of the death of Caesar.

The Columbia College chess tournament was begun last week. There are sixteen contestants and the tournament will continue for three weeks.

In the last Harpers Weekly there is a full page illustration of the scene from the second act of Wagner's opera "Siegfried," representing the contest between Siegfried and the dragon.


Students writing communications to the CRIMSON are reminded that it is necessary to sign their names if they desire the articles to be published. Several anonymous contributions have been deposited in the box at Leavitt's during the last few days.

A rather peculiar effect is produced by the new Harvard cheer by three Harvards. A Tech man who was sitting with the Harvard men, said that when the leader of the cheering arose and called for "three long Harvards, boys," that it reminded him of a man at the Old Elm calling for "drei lager." Tech.
