There will be a moot court at the Law School to-morrow at three p. m.
Wise vs. Williams.
It is an action by the drawee of a bill of exchange to recover money paid the payee in ignorance of the death and insolvency of the drawer.
Coram Ames J.
Trask, For the Kean, plaintiff. Shahan, For the defendant
Wells, For the Kean. plaintiff. Shahan, For the defendant
The following freshmen have made mistakes in their registration blanks which should be corrected at the office: J. D. R. Baldwin, H. W. Bates, Buszey, Chase, Cody, H. S. Cummings, Cumnock, R. H. Davis, Emerson, Finlay, G. S. Fiske, Franklin, J. F. Gray, Griffin, Howells, G. Jones, Lapsley, J. W. Lawrence, Leland, F. G. Morgan, Morrison, G. Morton, Page, Peckham, Percival, Roote, Rusch, Sted, Tausig, R. L. Weeks, A. H. Williams.