The result of the last series of matches contested at the Shooting Club is as follows: Match A-First prize, Lamb; 2nd prize, Greene. Match B-First prize, Greene; 2nd prize, Lamb. Match C-First prize, Marquand; second prize, D. C. Holder.
The annual banquet of the New England alumni of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, was held last evening at the Parker House, Boston. General Francis A. Walker, president of the M. I. T., presided, and the Hon. John Haskell Burter acted as toastmaster.
The Bruuonian, the bi-weekly paper of the Brown University students, advocates the inauguration of theatrical entertainments, to be given by the different college societies in aid of the 'varsity nine. Lack of funds has been a great drawback to the success of the nine in past years.
The Back Bay Minstrel Club, of Boston, will give an entertainment in Union Hall, on the evening of Jan. 3rd, 1888. The entertainment bids fair to be a success, musically and financially, and deserves the support of the public since the proceeds are to be devoted to charitable objects.
A general increase has been made in the rent of college rooms at Yale. This is due to a necessity for a larger income. The annual income of Yale has always been small, but it is a doubtful expediency which seeks to augment it by an increase in term bills. One of Yale's boasts has been that her expenses were small compared with other prominent universities, but this claim can no longer be made.- New Haven Union.