The Burgess fund now amounts to $9,700. General Paine will present the testimonial to Mr. Burgess some time next week.
The following men from '89 were elected, at its last meeting, to the Finance Club: C. A. Bunker, H. H. Darling, W. C. Green, P. J. Hall, J. M. Newell, W. F. Pillsbury, C. A. Wait, G. E. Wright.
Wm. Belden Noble, '85, a former editor of the CRIMSON, was married in Washington yesterday to Miss Tulee, of Alabama. Mr. Noble will enter Oxford, and study for the Episcopal ministry.
Mr. E. B. Stewart, '87, the mainstay of the Lampoon, two years ago, has recovered from his recent severe illness, and will spend the next two years in this country. He was in Cambridge yesterday.
The vesper service yesterday afternoon was largely attended, and it was very gratifying to see the great number of college men present. The tenor solo was very well sung, but the support of the boy choir was not all that could be desired.
The following is clipped from the New York letter in the last Amherst Student and is worthy of note: "I think the Harvard team as a whole is as strong, if not stronger than Yale, and if she had been allowed a touchdown in the first half, as she ought to have been, Yale would have been defeated."
When we come to the Harvard Monthly it makes us envious to see one article in each issue signed by some noted name, and we feel like amending the clause in our constitution which limits our contributions to undergraduates. Yet on mature thought we doubt if this would be advantageous. We believe a college publication should be distinctly an exponent of work done by the students of that institution.- Williams Literary Monthly.