
Special Notices.

I SHALL tutor in N. H. 4, N. H. 8 and N. H. 14. R. S. TARR, H. 14. d16 4t

TUTORING IN NATURAL HISTORY IV., VIII. and XIV. by a teacher of experience who has taken full shorthand notes, and who has had successful experience as a coach in these courses. Special reviews Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

d17 2t COLLIER COBR, 53 Oxford St.

N. H. 4.- Tuesday, Dec. 20, at 7.30 sharp, I shall give a thorough review of the work required for the examination, using blackboard illustrations. Shall also review examination papers and answer questions. Gentlemen will please bring Dana's Manual. Price $2.

d17 3t W. J. BOWEN, 32 Hollis.


SEMIMARS.- N. H. 4 and N. H. 8. I shall give a seminar in N. H. 4, Tuesday, Dec. 20, begins at 4 p. m; and in N. H. 8 the same day beginning at 7.30 p. m. R. S. TARR, H. 14. d17 2t

N. H. IV.- Tutoring for the hour examination. CLIFFORD H. MOORE, '89, 10 Stoughton. d15 6t

N. H. 4 AND N. H. 8.- For a successful tutor of two years' experience in the above, call or address W. J. BOWEN, '87, 32 Hollis. d14 6t

FOR RENT.- No. 7 Holworthy Hall, apply at bursar's office. d19 2t

WANTED: A GENERAL AGENT.- An active man with a capital from $1000 to $2,000 can obtain a permanent, profitable, sure business, operated on an entirely new plan. P. O. Box 769, Hartford, Conn. d13

TO LET.- One, two or three very desirable rooms to let, all on one floor. Inquire at Pach's studio. d13 tf

THE London Trousers Stretcher and English Woolen Gloves, at J. W. Brine's, 10 and 11 Harvard Row. d9

REPAIRING, PRESSING AND CLEANING done at McDonnell's old stand. Dress suits pressed and cleaned. Ulsters and overcoats pressed and cleaned. Pants pressed and cleaned. First-class work guaranteed. J. B. BRINE, 8 Boylston street, next to post office. d9

JUST ARRIVED, the finest line of English canes ever imported, at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street. d7

TWO FINE GUITARS for sale at Powers,' Read's Building, 30 Boylston street. d1
