
The Revised Constitution of the Inter-Collegiate Foot-Ball Association.

The following is the revised constitution of the Intercollegiate FootBall Association adopted by the convention last week :

ARTICLE I.The name of this Association shall be the American Intercollegiate FootBall Association.

ARTICLE II.Section 1.- This Association shall consists of Harvard, Yale, Princetor, Wesleyan and the University of Pennsylvania.


Section 2.- No college shall be admitted to membership except by a unanimous vote.

Section 3.- The annual assessment shall be $50 from each college and out of the total sum $75 shall be expended for a Championship Penant.

Section 4.- Any college failing to pay this annual assessment on or before December 1st of each year shall forfeit its membership to this Association.

ARTICLE III.Section 1.- The officers shall consist of a president, a secretary and a treasurer.

The presidency shall be held by the college last holding the championship.

The secretary and treasurer shall reelected by ballot.

Section 2. There shall be a graduate advisory committee of five, one member being elected by the alumni or appointed by the faculty of each of the colleges in the Association.

Section 3.- This Advisory Committee shall meet and propose the rules or changes in the same, on the first Saturday in March in each year, and shall submit the said proposed rules or changes to the secretary of the Intercollegiate Association, on or before the first Saturday in April, to be forthwith transmitted by him to the respective college Associations before the spring meeting of the Intercollegiate Association, to occur on the first Saturday in May. At that meeting, the said proposed rules or changes shall be acted upon and be returned by the Intercollegiate Association, with its approval or disapproval to the advisory committee at its summer meeting, to occur on the first Saturday in June. Those rules or changes approved, shall forthwith take effect; these disapproved shall go over for consultation until the following spring, unless they shall receive four votes in the Advisory Committee, in which case they shall immediately take effect.

Section 4.- Each of the five members of the Advisory Committee shall have a full vote, and any one may vote and act by representative, with a written prosy. Three members of the committee shall constitutes a quorum.

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