
Fact and Rumor.

The freshmen at Yale have proved themselves vastly superior to the sophomores in the noble and exhilarating science of "rushing."

It is stated that W. B. Page, the champion amateur high jumper, will give up jumping and enter business this fall.

There are thirty-eight candidates for positions on the Yale freshmen crew. They will go into training within a very short time.

The Harvard Club of Rhode Island has elected the following officers: President, Hon. Francis Brindley; first vicepresident, Hon. G. H. Calvert; second vice-president, A. B. Almon; treasurer, A. P. Baker; secretary, Malcolm Storer.

The old college tree at Dartmouth under which classes have gathered for the last hundred years, smoked the pipe of peace and buried the pipes, has recently been struck by lightning.


The Volunteer is the third yacht designed by a Harvard man and owned by a Harvard man that defended the America Cup.

A Harvard professor has made the calculation that if men were really as big as they sometimes feel, there would be no room in the United States for only two professors, three lawyers, two doctors, and a reporter on a Philadelphia paper.

The Yale law school opened with the largest junior class on record, the number being about 70. In the course of an address of welcome, President Dwight delivered a characteristic speech, in the course of which he said: "I am much gratified to see this department of the university life growing into such a big and earnest school of the science of law. We regard you as part of the university, and desire you to have the spirit of the university and an appreciation of your position in it."
