
Fact and Rumor.

A member of the Yale junior class has written a novel, "Edith Dayton," under the nom de plume of J. Gordon Bartlett.

The Garden Street entrance of the Observatory will be open to the senior class on the evenings of June 9, 10, and 11, from 7 to 9 p.m.

In the "Peachblow" CRIMSON game yesterday, the catcher of the "Peachblows" received a foul tip which broke a finger on his left hand. The game was on this account postponed until some date to be announced.

The following men will compose the freshman nine at Exeter to-day: Litchfield, c.; Bingham, p.; Hurley, 1 b.; Morgan, 2 b.; Clark, s. s.; McClellan, 3 b.; Downer, l. f.; McPherson, c. f.; Pervere, r. f. Substitute, Trafford. Meet at Leavitt & Peirce's at 12.15 sharp.

Dr. Hart has prepared a brief resume of the half year's work in History 13 for the benefit of the class in preparing for the finals. He has had it printed, and copies are to be found in Massachusetts.


The following new members have been elected into the Art Club: From '87, H. H. Bemis, Hall, H. G. Perkins, F. Michael, W. E. Davis, O. T. Zinkeisen; from '88, W. Barnes, Jr., C. Amory, H. Homans, L. McK. Garrison, S. F. McCleary.
