
Yale's Crews.

7. G. R. Carter, 158

6. R. H. Fanchot, 169

5. W. H. Corbin, 178

4. T. W. Buchanan, 167

3. R. McJ. Wilcox, 150


2. C. O. Gill, 162

Bow. P. P. Wells, 152


Average, 161

Cox. W. Ames, 110

Subs. A. H. Mosle, 149

H. W. Vernon, 145

The Harvard freshmen arrived at Groton at half-past thee yesterday afternoon, and took the steamboat "Cecile" for the quarters. A little difficulty was experienced in getting all the baggage on shore, as trunks and all had to be transported some little distance in Capt. Moulthrop's small row boat. However, everything was finally landed, and he freshmen sat down to supper. At about seven o'clock the men took a short row, returning before it became very dark. Their work is still rather rough, but great improvement may be expected during the coming week.

Everything is still all right at the 'varsity quarters, and the men seem confident about the race next Saturday. Butler, '88, who had to wait over a few days at Cambridge on account of an examination, arrived day before yesterday. On the whole Harvard's chances for success never looked brighter, and it will be no surprise if the three victories of last year were repeated.

