
Fact and Rumor.

The first ten of the Institute of 1770 from '89 are: Stauffer, Painter, L. H. Morgan, Markoe, Storrow, Weaver, Carey, H. P. King, Ellis, Balch.

Outing had to print a second edition of the April number, (5000 additional) owing to the demand created by the article of G. S. Jaffray, on American Steam Yachting.

The numerous thefts of watches, money, etc., from the gymnasium during the last few days have been traced to their ultimate source. The case is one of pure kleptomania.

At its meeting last evening, by an almost unanimous vote the Society of Christian Brethren decided to drop its present name and become a branch of the Inter collegiate Y. M. C. A.

All the summonses issued to '88 men by the Dean a day or two ago, were directed 'junior' instead of 'sophomore.' As a result, there were great expectations of advanced standing and deturs.


The Dunham club of Yale, founded for the purpose of promoting an interest in rowing among students who are not connected with any of the crews, has offered a number of prizes for the spring regatta.

The freshman lacrosse twelve will play the Cambridge juniors at 5 o'clock on Jarvis. The twelve consists of the following men: Griffing, Latta, Griswold, Kilvert, Naumburg, A. C. Bent, Wells, Marquand, F. Bent, Saville and Robinson.

The current Nation contains two letters of interest from college men, one on "The New York Alumni of Yale," in which the feelings regarding the present government of Yale are clearly expressed, and the other on "The Numbers Tests for Colleges."

The Alumni of Phillips Exeter are to have a re-union and dinner at Hotel Vendome, Boston, Wednesday evening, April 28. Judge Jeremiah Smith of New Hampshire will preside. Addresses will be made by ex-Gov. Bell, Dr. A. P. Peabody, Rev. Dr. Scott, Edward Everett Hale, and others.

We are informed that several members of the Cricket Association have generously offered to put up a bat for the best batting average, and a pair of leg guards for the second best batting average, and a ball for the best bowling average. These prizes are to be competed for by the members of the eleven in the coming matches.

The first two chapters of William Henry Bishop's new serial, "The Golden Justice," appear in the Atlantic for May. Charles Egbert Craddock's installment of 'In the Clouds" is in her best manner. Henry James continues his "Princess Casamassima" in characteristic style. The fiction of the number is completed by a sketch of New England life, "Marsh Rosemary," by Sarah Orne Jewett. Mr. John Fiske continues his papers on American History by one treating of "The Weakness of the American Government under the Articles of Confederation." Mr. E. P. Evans has a paper on "The Aryan Homestead." Mr. W. J. Stillman contributes "Memories of London." Mr. Maurice Thompson has an article on "Bird Song," and five poems, one by W. W. Story.
