
Fact and Rumor.

The Advocate will appear on Friday.

The next theme in English 5 is due Monday, April 19.

Kimball and Edgerly are trying for the 'varsity nine.

Princeton's vacation of one week begins to-day.

The list of annual examinations will appear to-morrow.


Prof. T. A. Thacher of Yale died at his home on April 7th.

The nine goes to a training table a week from to-day.

The senior crew will probably not go to a training table this year.

After May 1st, the Agassiz Museum will be open on Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m.

The Catholic Young Men's Gymnasium at Cambridgeport has been opened.

A game between the Harvard and Cambridge nines will be played to-morrow.

Copies of the March number of Outing were distributed throughout college during the recess.

The Yale Glee Club concert given last Friday Evening was well attended by Harvard men.

St. Paul's School has no spring vacation, the term extending from January to June without an intermission.

Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis, who succeeds the late Judge Churchill on the municipal bench of Boston, graduated from Harvard as a member of the class of '75.
