
Fact and Rumor.

The ninth ten of the Institute was elected as follows: Marden, Davidge, Wardner, Goodhue, B. Carpenter, Thompson, Jackson, S. Gleason, W. H. Furness, G. A. Carpenter.

Harvard has passed through the "mid-years," and will now resume its wonted gayety. A continuation of the series on "Harvard Morality" would not, therefore, be inappropriate. - Princetonian.

The University of Penn. A. A. have a scheme on foot to establish a State Inter-collegiate Spring Athletic Meeting. Johns Hopkins and the Naval Academy at Annapolis may be invited to join.

Prof. Shaler will meet those who may desire information as to professional employment in Geology, and to various lines of work in which Geology can be made of use, on Monday evening, at 7.30. in room 2, Museum.

A meeting of the New York State Inter-collegiate Ball League was held recently, and Cornell formally awarded the championship for the past season. The University of Rocherter was expelled, and the Troy Polytechnic admitted to membership.

