
Fact and Rumor.

The following notice appeared in a Western college paper: "There will be a meeting of the Mermaid Club, Thursday evening, for the transaction of business."

At a meeting of the Lampoon board last night the following officers were elected: president, Honore, '88; treasurer, Palmer, '88; art director, Stewart, '87.

The ninth number of the Advocate will be out early Saturday morning. Besides the Prize Story and Prize Essay, it will contain an accurate and reliable criticism of the 'Varsity crew.

It is rumored that the Committee of Appropriations in the faculty are considering a River and Harbor bill for the improvement of communication between Memorial and the dormitories.

The Seventh Ten of the Institute of 1770 is as follows: E. A. Pease, T. O. Shepard, H. L. Gilbert, A. F. Holden, F. P. Clement, C. H. Goodwin, F. H. Means, P. Chase, P. Dexter, F. D. Stetson.


Overheard in horse-car: First freshman: "Why, next year if we wanted we could put eight men in the 'varsity eleven - we've got all the material we want." Second do. "Well the way to do it is to make every man in the class who weights 150 pounds come out on the campus and practice two hours every day. Then we'd have a daisy eleven."

The fourth number of the Monthly was received at the CRIMSON office yesterday. The number, on the whole, is up to the usual standard of excellence. The potency of Prof. Palmer's arguments in the Andover Review, and the Conference Committee are urged in the editorials. Among the other interesting articles is one by Professor Toy on "The Older Arabic Poetry."
