
Fact and Rumor.

Officers of the Inter-collegiate Boating Association for the coming year are as follows: H. D. Hyatt, Cornell, president; S. F. Houston, U. of Penn., vice-pres.; Gardner Colby, Brown, secretary and treasurer.

It is said that the historian, Bancroft, is one of the only two Americans now living who ever met Goethe. The other is George H. Calvert, the scholar and poet, who is now eighty-three years old.

Robert Winston has been engaged as trainer by the officers of the Yale Ath. Association, and he will hereafter be in the gymnasium to coach men who wish to take part in either the winter or spring games.

William Pennell, of the University of Pennsylvania gymnasium, declares that rubber soled shoes are bad for the feet, but he will not prohibit their use in the gymnasium. He recommends light canvass shoes, with leather soles.

J. C. Kebabian, of the class of '88, from Rodosto, Turkey, has invented an instrument for drawing spherical angles and figures of any degree of area. The device is a very simple one and a patent will probably he taken out. - Yale News.

