
Old Thayer Commons' Hall.

Many students are doubtless unaware of the great improvement made in the department of co-operative boarding since the days when Thayer Commons' Hall, which formerly stood near the Law School, and is now used as a stable on Holmes Field, was the headquarters of the Harvard Dining Association. The following poem, descriptive of associates connected with this old hall, was read at the dinner of the Directors of Memorial, and is published at their request, and by the permission of the author, Mr. L. B. Fiske, '73.

We meet to-night to celebrate

A year of work together,

The labors done, the victories, won

'Mid fair and stormy weather.


And as we meet with jovial cheer

And kindly greet each other,

We find we have assembled here

One Board around another !

Great oaks from little acorns grew,

As has been often shown-

And our Association too,

Progressive growth has known.

And memory with Janus face

While still the present viewing,
