
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale sophomores won the class races at new Haven, Saturday morning in 10m 25s, lowering the two mile record 29s; the juniors were second, and freshmen third.

Out of courtesy to the Harvard delegation at the New Haven game, a long crimson pennant was hoisted above the blue colors of Yale, upon the flagstaff on the grand stand.

The Rev. Rufus Ellis supports the prayer system at Harvard in a recent sermon, taking for his text, "I would that men should pray every where."

Mr. Briggs' examination in Prescribed English, May 30, is for all freshmen, and for those sophomores who take the examination in Physics on June 18. All other sophomores will take Mr. Wendell's examination on June 18.

A good word for Harvard's elective system: "The canvass of the senior class at Andover, in regard to college intentions, resulted as follows: Harvard, 10; Yale, 8; Amherst and Princeton, 2 each; Dartmouth, 1, and uncertain 4."


The commencement at Williams will be of especial interest this year as both Henry and James A. Garfield are in the graduating class and both have commencement parts. Mrs. Garfield will be present. The class numbers sixty, and is the largest senior class for several years.
