22. FRIDAY.The Choice of Studies in College. A lecture for the freshman class. President Eliot. Sever 11, 7.45 P.M.
JUNIOR THEMES.The double themes will be returned on Thursday, May 21, from 2 to 4.30 o'clock, as follows: Abbot to F. S. Palmer in Sever 5; the rest of the class in Sever 1.
The double themes are to be returned to the instructor by being dropped into the wooden box in Sever 3 at any time between May 21, and June 1.
FORENSICS.Senior forensics will be returned on Monday, May 25, at an hour and place to be announced next week. Notice will be given hereafter concerning the return of the Junior Forensics.
The subjects chosen by members of the Senior Class for the examination in forensics on May 30, must be handed or mailed to Dr. Royce on or before Thursday, May 28. If mailed or other wise sent to him, they will remain subject to the sender's risk until they reach him in person. Furthermore, the list of four topics must be written on one side of a card of the size of an ordinary postal card, and must be signed clearly with the name of the student offering them.
HARVARD SHAKSPERE CLUB.The first three acts of Shakspere's Julius Caesar will be given by the club in Sanders Theatre on the evenings of May 25 and 26. The speaking parts will be taken by members of the club, and a large number of students will assist in the great scenes as Roman senators, citizens, soldiers, etc. Particular attention will be given to historical accuracy in the action of the play, and in the reproduction of the costumes of the time. The only changes made on the stage will be by properties.
Tickets are now on sale at Sever's at $1.50 and $1.00 according to location.