Neapolitan Ice Cream.
Strawberries and Cream.
Cheese. Coffee.
Ex-president Baldwin presided at the dinner, and N. W. McIvor, L. S., officiated as toast-master. Responses were made to the following toasts: The New Administration, Merriam, '86; The Old Administration, Baldwin, '85; Ethical Relation between Hash and Dyspesia, Wheeler, D. S.; Our Trials and Tribulations, Houston, L. S.; Cockroaches, Hayward, S. S.; Auditing Committee, Huddleston, '86; Ladies in the Gallery and Ladies in the Pit, Davidson, '85; The Board in the Matrimonial Platform, Allen, '88; Memorial Drinks, Rogers, '86; Danger of Encouraging Athleticism among the Waiters, Churchill, '88; The Aristociacy of the Little Room, Vogel, '87; The Hall, Mr. Fiske, '73.
Baldwin, '85, acted as chorister, and many choruses and solos were sung. Mr. Fiske, the auditor, in his response read a poem in which he contrasted the old Thayer Club with the present Dining Association. After an evening well spent discussing the delicacies of the banquet, and listening to the many toasts and songs, the directors adjourned sine die, with twenty-seven cheers for the H. D. A.