
The Class Races.

Gilman, Keith and Hansen have now been rowing four years; Thayer and Homans for two years. Baldwin joined the crew last year, but has rowed only two weeks this spring. Harrington and Boyden will row their first race to-day. The crew lost during the last month, B. B. Thayer and R. Gorham, but was fortunate in having able men to take their places.

JUNIORS.(Class color, blue and white.)


1. M. S. Latham, Capt., 139


2. C. R. Brown, 143 1-2

3. J. C. Ayer, 160

4. E. D. Codman, 151

5. W. R. Dewey, 162

6. T. H. Cabot, 163

7. E. E. Hamlin, 181

Stroke, G. B. Harris, 162

Average weight, 157 5-8

Cox., T. T. Baldwin, 103

Harris, Hamlin, Cabot, Brown and Latham have rowed for three years. Ayer was on the eighty-six crew last year; Dewey and Codman are the new men. The crew has bought the shell used by the university crew of 1880.
