
Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

FOR SALE.- A 58 inch Rudge light roadster. Almost new. Terms easy. Apply to 23 Holyoke House.

FOUND. On Jarvis, a Stylograph. George U. Crocker, 45 Weld.

FOR SALE.- A Polo Pony. Apply to janitor of Matthews.

Positions secured for thoroughly qualified tutors and teachers. Personal interviews preferred, or send stamp for form. J. Ransom Bridge and Co., Eastern Teacher's Institute, 110 Tremont St., Boston.

FOR SALE.- A 58-inch Rudge light roadster, almost new. Terms easy. Apply to 23 Holyoke House.


LOST. Will the gentleman who took, by mistake probably, a dark-colored summer overcoat belonging to another, from Memorial last night during the dinner hour, be kind enough to return the same to 29 Stoughton.

J. F. Noera has greatly improved his facilities for fitting tennis flannels. Only the best cutters employed. Holyoke street, opposite Holyoke House.

J. F. Noera has removed to Holyoke Street, opposite Holyoke House, where he will continue his business as usual.

J. Dudley Hall, Organist of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Boston, will receive pupils in pianoforte, organ playing, and harmony. Thorough grounding in harmony and technical principles guaranteed. 125 Tremont St., room 8, Boston.
